HotXLS Delphi Excel Read Write Library / Component Developers Guide loslab Inc.

Referring to Cells by using Index numbers

You can use the Cells property to refer to a single cell by using row and column index numbers. This property returns a Range object that represents a single cell.


In the following example, Cells[5,2] returns cell B5 on Sheet1. The Value property is then set to 10.
Workbook.Sheets[1].Cells[5,2].Value := 10;
The Cells property works well for looping through a range of cells, as shown in the following example.
With Workbook.Sheets[1] do begin
  for i := 1 to 10 do 
    Cells[i, 1].Value := i;
The Cells property can be applied to Range object, as shown in the following example.
With Workbook.Sheets[1].Range['C5', 'G20'] do begin
  for i := 1 to Rows.Count do 
    Cells[i, 1].Value := i;
This example loops through cells C5:H15 on Sheet1. If a cell contains a value less than 0.1, the example replaces that value with 0.
With Workbook.Sheets[1].Range['C5', 'H15'] do begin
  for i := 1 to Rows.Count do 
    for j := 1 to Columns.Count do
      if Cells[i, j].Value < 0.1 then Cells[i, j].Value := 0;